Why am I confused?

This month’s theme – why am I so confused? If you are like me, every situation and challenge seems to present a range of choices, all carrying different feelings. Being human can be confusing. What helps me understand this confusion is the possibility that we are not one singular mind or essence struggling for clarity, … Read more

Horizontal relationships

Website upgrade I have extensively redesigned the product purchasing pages so that, if you want to buy resonators, my book or a music download, you can now do so with ease. The system automatically uses your local currency and applies the appropriate postage rate for you. So much easier! Shop Resonators   Baseline      +mobile  … Read more

Ease, challenge and suffering

Book – ‘Heal Your Past, Free Your Future’ “Energy just started flowing as soon as I started reading the first section and continued till I stopped, as if the simple act of reading was a healing process. It was amazing!” Fiona F, England A big thank you to everyone who has supported this project. I … Read more

Writing your own story

Welcome to my latest newsletter. As always, please do share these words if it calls you to do so. Resonators   Baseline      +mobile      +resonator “I can already feel the difference in my body’s energy. Does it happen that quickly? I am around computers and my phone all day. I have various crystals, shields, etc. … Read more

Spiritual support for a paradigm shift

Earlier this month I suggested ways to help us each make a positive influence on the world around us. These are important, but are fundamentally in opposition to the ways we are governed. If we are to live in a world of ease – where community, equality and peace are natural states of being for us … Read more

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