What safety research has been conducted?
Mercury is the second most toxic substance known to man, yet we place it in our mouths within a few inches of our brain, exposed to the numerous chemical reactions that occur in our mouths every day. From this source, mercury vapour can escape into other areas of our body. This begs the question: have amalgam fillings been extensively tested?
We naturally assume that this high risk approach must have been approved on the back of years of extensive research proving the safety and stability of mercury amalgam fillings. In fact, amalgams are largely deemed safe because evidence is deemed not to irrefutably prove to the contrary. As they have been used since the early 1800’s as a cheap alternative to gold, the use of amalgams has never been subject to the normal animal and human testing that would have been demanded if the practice were to be introduced today.
Research that has been conducted shows that mercury vapours are continually released from fillings, particularly when exposed to brushing, chewing and hot or acidic foods. Although the vast majority is excreted, the remainder is stored in the tissues, glands and brain. This has to raise the question of what level of risk this poses to our overall health in the years ahead.
How could mercury affect my health?
As with most health issues, we all respond differently to mercury, based on our sensitivity to it, our genes and our general level of health. That said, there are some common consequences of long-term exposure to mercury:
- The immune system – amalgam fillings appear to reduce the number of T-lymphocyte cells, essential to our immune system.
- Pregnancy and fertility – Substantive research in Norway has found a correlation between the amount of mercury in aborted foetuses and the number of fillings in the mother. Mercury can also be passed on to the child through breast feeding and has been implicated in a study of women with fertility issues. Mercury research – Dr Mercola
- Allergies and digestion – research has found that over 80% of people with gastrointestinal problems and allergies saw an improvement in symptoms once their amalgam fillings were removed. Mercury appears to alter the chemical make-up of the healthy bacteria, making them resistant to anti-biotics and affecting their ability to keep fungi like Candida Albicans at bay.
From a kinesiology viewpoint, I regularly find the suggestion of mercury residues in the major organs, including ovaries, thyroid, digestive tract, brain, liver etc. These can give rise to a range of symptoms, many of which are neurological.
My own experiences support a Colorado study of patients being treated for metal poisoning, where they found evidence of:
irritability | muscle /joint pain | unsolicited anger |
anxiety | confusion | tingling in extremities |
chronic fatigue | frequent urination | digestive upset |
twitching | tremors / shakes | tinnitus |
metallic taste | heartburn | cold hands and feet |
depression | fluid retention | headaches after food |
insomnia | muscle /joint pain | skin rashes |
How do I find out if mercury is a problem for me?
Kinesiology is an invaluable tool when used by practitioners specialising in this area. By using subtle energy testing, we can assess whether your amalgams are affecting you, and also which organs, joints and glands are worst affected.
Where mercury toxicity is implicated, it is often part of a broader picture of imbalance that must also be corrected. This is especially true of digestive disorders, where fungus may have spread and affected the integrity of the gut lining.
If I am affected, what do I do?
At your next check–up, I suggest you speak to your own dentist or one who specialises in mercury free dentistry. It is worth establishing whether any fillings are in urgent need of replacement. If there are no immediate issues, you may wish to leave your fillings as they are until your health has improved. However well it is done, replacement work is invasive, expensive and will inevitably release some mercury vapour. I believe it is better to use a schedule of replacement work to help maintain good health rather than to acquire it. If your health improves through natural intervention, you may even decide that the expense and trauma of invasive dentistry is not justifiable.
If mercury is an issue for you, there are various ways that kinesiology can help remove the accumulated stores of mercury from your tissues and organs. The detoxification will be triggered once your drainage channels are open, often in the second session. If levels are high, I often use the support of homeopathic remedies like Amalex from New Vistas Healthcare.
When the metal has been released, this may be enough for your health to improve. This leaves the issue of the strong electromagnetic currents running through your teeth. Each tooth peg has a small negative electrical potential which is the home for the ‘circadian rhythm’ – the natural rhythm of life. As this works at low voltage and low amperage, it is overwhelmed by any high charge received through the metal filling from mobile phones, fridge freezers etc. This stresses all the energy meridians, not just the one flowing from that particular tooth. It can also suppress your immune system and lower your overall health.
The best solution to this electromagnetic stress is clearly to have your amalgam fillings replaced, but in view of my earlier comments, this may not be practical. I have developed an energetic system that instructs the nervous system to ignore these unnatural high voltage and amperage signals which seems to help, so feel free to run the Quantum K1 video. You may also benefit from the grounding and protective qualities of resonators, available from this website.