In this modern world, we are bombarded with an ever increasing array of man-made electromagnetic frequencies. Our telephones, mains electricity, wi-fi, fridges and computers are all creating artificial fields that envelope our auras and interfere with our natural relationship with the electromagnetic field of the Earth. This disruption can lead to a fundamental loss of energetic balance, grounding and general well being.
Resonators are my answer to this problem. They are little healing chips, individually made and programmed by me to emit a permanent but gentle healing frequency. They are also programmed to mimic the Schumann resonance, the natural frequency of Planet Earth. This resonance is essential to our balance but easily lost within the electromagnetic smog emitted by modern technology. Resonators are like a Bluetooth grounding device – sending any unhelpful electromagnetic fields (EMF) back to the Earth.
Their benefits have been demonstrated consistently using kinesiology muscle testing and captured superbly in the following Kirlian aura photos:
1. Control image – no external influences | 2. With mobile phone introduced | 3. Mobile phone with resonator |
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As you can see, the test subject has a reasonably balanced energy field, but with a left sided distortion due to recent injuries and some uneven rotation in the chakras themselves. | A mobile phone is introduced in the 2nd photo by the subject’s ear and you can immediately see the deterioration in both the colour of the aura and the symmetry of the chakras. The left-sided imbalance remains. | The third picture shows the combined effect of a mobile phone and a resonator. As you can see, the original colouring and symmetry have returned and the resonators are even able to override the left sided imbalance in the energy field. In effect they have compensated for the negative electromagnetic field of the mobile phone and provided additional healing and vitality |
The following comments come from the photographer, Dr Mike Mirkovic of the Epsom Osteopathic Centre, New Zealand.
“With the introduction of the mobile phone, the body has gone into ‘defensive stance’. The main effects are shown in the three chakras near to the phone. You can see the channelling of a healing energy which is trying to negate or balance the effect of the cell phone. The bringing in of the turquoise, which is an anti-inflammatory colour, is trying to protect the body from an ‘oppressor’ – in this case the cell phone.
In the third picture, the subject’s individual chakra colours have returned to those shown in the control photo, despite the presence of a cell phone next to the body. The aura is larger and a bit denser, so the resonator chip is not only negating the effect of the cell phone, but is actually improving overall health”.
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Resonator on a battery cover | Resonator on the back of a watch |
By attaching one to the back of your watch, wrist band or item of jewellery, you allow its subtle electromagnetic field to remind your body of the frequency of natural balance. This can protect you from the negative emotions of those around you, as well as the environmental stresses of computers, artificial lighting, fridge freezers, wi-fi etc.
Each pack contains 3 resonators, with a clear self-adhesive strip to secure them in place. There is one for your watch, one for your mobile phone and one perhaps to attach to your water filter or tap to help energetically balance your fluid intake. For those with phones with a fixed back plate, you can simply attach the resonator to the back cover. If you have a phone case, this will protect the resonator from being knocked off.
If you buy extra packs, you can put one on the main electric equipment in your house and your fuse box to help drain their imbalanced frequencies back to the earth.
The effects are subtle, but if you keep one close to your skin you will benefit from their healing frequency, gaining ongoing protection as well as support from the ‘Quantum K’ experience itself. The resonators are powered by electromagnetic tape, which offers an almost indefinite life span, certainly many years. With a stating price of £10 per packet and significant discounts for extra orders, they are an affordable and imaginative present for friends and family.
To buy or read more, please follow this link to my Quantum K website where my online shop is held: