Without knowing it, I’ve been trying to escape from the trappings of ‘the system’ in many stages over my life. Perhaps the first was when I left financial services and moved into kinesiology, then there were other levels – healthcare choices, education of my child, the way we live and form community, spiritual beliefs, political affiliations etc They have all been slowly moving away from mainstream norms.
I see this process through the dynamics of light, with full spectrum light being an expression of the fullness of Divine love. It is complete, perfect and all encompassing.
When we are created as individual souls, that Divine light is refracted into the primal colours of the rainbow and each colour informs one of our core 7 chakras.
This allows us to experience various aspects of our inner spark of divinity, from our physical experiences in the root chakra, to our power, family and sexuality in the sacral, all the way up to our sense of soul fulfilment in the crown.
If we can maintain that Divine love and truth in all of these refracted areas, or re-find it if lost, then we bring those colours back together into full spectrum light, back to the Divine. You could call that en-light-enment.
The transition point of our death offers a perfect opportunity to check in with how we are doing, with no judgement of course. Shaman in the Peruvian tradition describe that moment of transition into the afterlife as an opportunity to experience the full colours and sounds of the Universe, and if we ‘know’ at our core that we are seeing ourselves reflected back to us in that indescribable display, then we have embraced the truth of who we truly are.
Inevitably, the structures of the matrix world impede the wellbeing of these chakras. The challenge of being human, if we choose to embrace it, is to heal each chakra to bring back the Divine connection. In doing so, we must undo the damage of perhaps many lifetimes on this planet and all the cultural and familial reinforcements of these harmful global systems.
When I asked Huascar, guardian of the underworld, about how to free each chakra back to its divine state, I was shown that each of them is held within a specific planetary morphic field. For example, our root chakra is held within a global energetic field that values materialism as a goal and justifies competition as valid, suggesting that it is OK to thrive at the expense of someone else.
Our sacral chakras are held by a morphic field that extols the values of the nuclear family over wider community, and the obligations and duty we must honour to our immediate relatives, whatever the cost to our own lives.
Each chakra has its own shadow values and global systems built upon them.
To escape, we must each see the futility and harm in these beliefs and reset ourselves to love and Divine truth in that area.
Easy? Probably not… I was shown that when we challenge a significant layer of the establishment it can cause chaos for a while, but this is the way we break through. If we can meet that challenge and stay balanced, true to love, then we break out. If we are lost in fear and anger, then maybe it’s not time for us to heal this layer yet, and that is totally OK too. There are no Divine deadlines or timescales for our growth.
The inspiration for this newsletter came through my own particular struggle to escape the trappings of the material world, as seen through the root chakra. For whatever reason, the last week held a ridiculous series of reverse synchronicities, where bad luck seemed to follow me and my car. In just 4 days, we had a new tyre blown by a pothole, a broken charger, a huge servicing bill, a parking ticket and finally I was forced off the road into a hedge by a driver racing round a tight country lane.
5 issues in 4 days? I was being tested to see if I could meet these challenges from a place of love and trust. I did what I felt was best and I hope I brought the right energy to this and avoided excessive anger or scarcity consciousness. If I did, then my root chakra will shine and it will be on the path to freedom.
So, I ask you to look inwards into your own life. Can you feel into each of your chakras to see if you are free or conforming to society’s rule book? Do you compromise your values when they conflict with the mainstream world view? If you are trapped, how might you escape – what action or internal healing would be needed to do so?
With love