It’s begun…

Welcome to my latest newsletter. As always, please do share these words if it calls you to do so.


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Thank you SO MUCH for the creation of these resonators. My kids and I benefit from them immensely“. Mizzey

These inexpensive little chips are still proving popular around the world. As a reward to loyal newsletter readers, I will continue to offer special offers.  For July, it is 15% off all the quantumk products for the whole month. Just use the coupon code July15 when you order.

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Book – Heal Your Past, Free Your Future

Remember, there is 15% off the book, whether hard copy or download, this month. This is the first, and possibly last, time I have discounted the book, but I want it to reach as many people as possible because I do believe, and guarantee, that it will change your life for the better. Remember the code JULY15.

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This month’s theme – It has begun….

In December last year I wrote about a new consciousness field that I believe is developing around us, anchored in sacred sites and ready to be ignited through exceptional solar activity.

I have been watching for signs of unexpected solar flares or geometric storms and May this year really delivered. To have the aurora borealis visible in southern England was a first in my lifetime and scientists are suggesting there may be more extreme solar activity to follow in the months ahead.

I believe this is the ignition of the new grid. My family live on the site of a mediaeval monastery and I am aware of the intensity of this new energy around us. I could describe it as bittersweet, rich and beautiful but also demanding the deepest exploration of any unresolved wounds to love. It feels hard but sacred and our little family unit is being shown glimpses of a beautiful future, enriched by nature and community, while also being challenged in some of the deepest ways we can imagine. Life in all its rainbow colours.

So what should we expect now? I sought spiritual guidance as usual through a shamanic journey and was shown the first stage in the process of consciousness revolution. This stage is the exposure of lies, the bringing to light of the many untruths told to us by governments, large institutions and the media. I believe this process is beginning and I hope you can see this too on the global stage. I hope to receive guidance on the next stages as they develop.

But what does this mean for me?

We can’t all be whistleblowers, but we can still be part of the change. Honouring basic shamanic principles, we have to heal within us the dynamics we wish to change in the world outside. So let us look within, where are we living inauthentically?

Our wounds to love are often hidden from our conscious selves, and sometimes only the delicate discomfort of our gut warns us of imbalance. Here are some sample questions you might wish to ask yourself:

– Where do I not speak or live by my truth?

– Where do I appease rather than challenge?

– Where do I allow my fear to override my faith?

– Where do I ‘bypass’, pretending I am more healed or happier than I really am, ignoring the depth of my real struggles?

– Do I pretend that my core relationships are better than they really are?

When we do not live by our core values and ethics we sit in the mirky pond of inauthenticity. This weakens the platform from which we might try to challenge the unloving corporate world outside us.

To strengthen our core base of truth and love, we need to gently acknowledge these wounds to ourselves, without judgement. This loving awareness brings the shadow piece into the open, into the light, where it can be healed.

I’ll give you an example of where I have seen a big change recently. I know many women who live in relationships where the man is controlling in some form, perhaps gas-lighting, misogynistic, manipulative, coercive or sometimes overtly abusive. In the last few weeks, I have seen or heard of many women naming these dynamics and walking away from the relationship. This is so hard to do, and yet I see it happening as their deep discomfort in the relationship outweighs their fear of leaving it. Is this a pattern?

I have also seen clients walking away from work that does not honour their core values, preferring to dance with uncertainty in an unknown world than subvert aspects of their true self. Job security is an illusion anyway, it is a story that appeals to our survivalist limbic brain but life is inherently unpredictable and, when we learn to accept this, we can embrace the choppy waves rather than seek the illusion of a safe haven.

So, I wish for you to step outside of the stories you tell yourself so you can live in truth, knowing that truth is an aspect of love, that love is the bedrock of the new consciousness grid and that the new grid is an aspect of Source itself. Find your truth and find the divine within you.

With Love


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